Reality therapy Services | Vaughan | Canada

Your Story Counseling offers individual, couples and family trauma and sex therapy counseling for a variety of needs. 

Developed by William Glasser in the 1960s, reality therapy (also known as choice therapy) promotes problem solving and better decision making in order to achieve specific goals.

Central to reality therapy is the idea that mental distress is not the result of a mental illness, but rather due to a person's behavior. Instead, psychological symptoms are the result of a socially universal human condition that occurs when an individual does not have their basic psychological needs met.

These basic needs are:

love and belonging

power and success

survival (food and shelter etc.)

freedom and independence

fun (joy and pleasure)

According to Glasser, whether we realize it or not, we are constantly acting to fulfill these needs. While we may struggle to choose our feelings and physiology, we are able to directly choose our thoughts and actions. However, sometimes we do not act effectively, which can have negative effects on our health and well-being. He argues that our needs should therefore be met through our chosen actions and behaviors, not external factors.

Reality therapy is designed to find ways to meet a person's basic needs while making it easier for clients to become aware of and change negative thoughts and actions.

It is important to note that reality therapy is controversial because it rejects the diagnosis of mental health conditions and says that people choose to have negative emotions. It states that psychological distress is not caused by mental health problems, but rather by basic needs not being met.

How does reality therapy work?

Reality therapy is a collaborative process between therapist and client and is unique in that it takes place. This means that if one plan of action fails, new ones will continue to be devised until both the therapist and the client are confident that positive results are occurring or are a close possibility.

The practice of reality therapy depends on several key components:

Counselor-client connection

Real estate therapy counselors must create and nurture an environment of trust and an authentic relationship to ensure that their client(s) feel connected and comfortable sharing their issues. Providing an environment in which individuals can communicate in an open manner is considered the foundation and most important step in the practice of reality therapy.

Theory of choice

The successful application of reality therapy also depends heavily on the counselor's knowledge of Glasser's choice theory—that human behavior is selected and driven by our five basic needs. By asking questions like "What do you want?" or "What do you do to get what you want?" counselors can help individuals explore what needs are not being met and how to go about creating realistic goals to correct the problems.

Current behavior

Reality therapy focuses on the here and now and deals with current behavior rather than the reasons for it. This heavy focus on the present may contribute to its controversy. Excuses are believed to stand in the way of progress and change, so clients are discouraged from discussing any problems, complaints or symptoms. Instead, the focus is primarily on the actions and thoughts that the individual has control over, rather than blaming or trying to control others.

Value judgment

A real estate therapy counselor will typically conduct an honest evaluation of the client's current choices and behaviors to determine what (if any) change is needed to help them achieve their goals. Once individuals have determined that their current behavior is unacceptable, a counselor can help them design an action plan, set realistic goals, and outline the steps that need to be taken to make those solutions a reality.

Action plan

An action plan in reality therapy allows the individual to take control of their life in constructive ways while fulfilling their wants and needs. It involves their absolute commitment and they must take responsibility for their actions if they fail to do so. The counselor will evaluate the client's progress during therapy and may suggest adjustments if necessary. The plan is always open to change or rejection by the client.

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